Another Example of a Harder Sentential Proof: One of De Morgan's Laws
Example of a Harder Propositional Proof: One of De Morgan's Laws
Learning the Rules Or Elimination and the Introduction of the Biconditional.
Bergmann[2008] The Logic Book Section 5.1 and 5.4
Or Elimination, in the guise of Dilemma, also is a form of inference dating from antiquity.
Learning reductio proof, both as plain Negation Introduction and via (double) Negation Elimination (to prove some formulas that do not have negation as their main connective).
Bergmann[2004] The Logic Book Section 5.1 and 5.4
Reductio ad Absurdum is the second of the classical forms of inference.
This video shows the techniques for Conditional Proof using the downloadable application Deriver. But the techniques are exactly the same for the Proof applet running in a web page. So, the video may look slightly different to what you are looking at, but the underlying principles and approach are the same.
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Learning conditional proof.
Bergmann[2008] The Logic Book Section 5.1 and 5.4
The five remaining sentential rules of inference are slightly more difficult than the ones that we have met before. They are slightly more difficult in that they require you to make new assumptions, and the correct new assumptions at that. However they follow a similar pattern to each other so mastery of one should lead to mastery of the others.
This video is set in the context of the downloadable program, but it applies equally well in the setting of a proof applet.
a) Understanding the nature of derivation. b) Learning elementary Tactics.
Tactics will help you to do derivations.
Bergmann[2008] The Logic Book Section 5.1 and 5.4.
A derivation or proof consists of a finite list of lines.