
Tutorial 21: Existential Elimination

Logical System



Bergmann[2004] The Logic Book Section 10.1.

The Tutorial

Existential Elimination (often called 'Existential Instantiation') permits you to remove an existential quantifier from a formula which has an existential quantifier as its main connective. It is one of those rules which involves the adoption and dropping of an extra assumption (like ∼I,⊃I,∨E, and ≡I).

The circumstance that Existential Instantiation gets invoked looks like this.

Tutorial 19: Universal Introduction

Logical System


Skill to be acquired:

To learn the rule for adding a Universal Quantifier.


Bergmann[2004] The Logic Book Section 10.1.

The Tutorial

There also is a rule for adding a Universal Quantifier (often called 'Universal Generalization'). This permits the step illustrated by the following proof fragments.


The rule is

The Rule of Universal Introduction UI

If a derivation contains a line of the form

Sentential Logic: Try your own derivations

Logical System

Roll your own derivations


You may have derivations of your own that you wish to try. Just type, paste, or drag and drop, them into the panel, select your derivation, and click 'Start from selection'.

[Often copy-and-paste won't work directly from a Web Page; however, usually drag-and-drop will work!]

You will need to use the correct logical symbols. Here they are

F ∴ F & G ∼ & ∨ ⊃ ≡ ∀ ∃ ∴

And the right syntax (the premises separated by commas and then a 'therefore' followed by the conclusion).

Supplementary: Why are we doing all these derivations anyway?

Logical System


So that we can show certain arguments to be valid.

The focus of the course lies with the validity and invalidity of arguments. Now, invalidity can be established by counter-example (by producing an interpretation under which all the premises are true and the conclusion false, at the same time). But validity is a different matter. And the usual approach is to have rules of inference and to do derivations.

Tutorial 10: Common Inference Patterns and Rewrite Rules

Logical System


Skills to be acquired

Becoming familiar with common inference patterns and being able to use them via three new rules of inference and via rewrite rules. This helps with assessing ordinary everyday reasoning such as that found in the law, in newspapers, in advertisements, etc.


Bergmann[2008] The Logic Book Section 5.5