Easy Deriver [Sentential and Predicate Logic—Bergmann Syntax]
Easy Deriver [Sentential and Predicate Logic—Bergmann Syntax]
Sentential Logic: 10 Tutorials
- Tutorial 1 Introduction, sketch of course, and symbolizing atomic sentences.
- Tutorial 2: Symbolizing compound sentences
- Review
- Tutorial 3: Sentences and Truth
- Tutorial 4: Arguments and searching for a counter example
- Review 2
- Tutorial 5: Valid arguments, searching for a proof
- Tutorial 6: What is a derivation and what does it prove? How experts do derivations.
- Tutorial 7: Conditional Proof
- Tutorial 8: Reductio ad Absurdum
- Tutorial 9: The Remaining Sentential Rules of Inference
- Tutorial 10: Common Inference Patterns and Rewrite Rules
- Review of Sentential Logic
- Sentential Logic: Try your own derivations
Predicate Logic: 15 Tutorials
- Tutorial 11: Sketch of the second part of the course, and symbolizing sentences using predicate logic.
- Tutorial 12: Symbolizing sentences using predicate logic (continued)
- Review of New Material
- Tutorial 13: An Introduction to Truth in Predicate Logic
- Tutorial 14: Some Terminology for the Semantics of Predicate Logic
- Tutorial 15: Elementary derivations in predicate logic
- Tutorial 16: Symbolization using the quantifiers
- Tutorial 17: The semantics of quantifiers
- Tutorial 18: Universal Elimination
- Tutorial 19: Universal Introduction
- Tutorial 20: Existential Introduction
- Tutorial 21: Existential Elimination
- Tutorial 22: Symbolizing Relations
- Symbolization Review
- Tutorial 23: The semantics of relations
- Tutorial 24: The restrictions on the quantificational rules
- Tutorial 25 ...
- Try your own derivations
- Exercises for Easy Deriver using the Deriver Web Application
Sentential Logic: 10 Tutorials
Front page
Tree Tutorials [Propositional, Predicate, Identity, and Modal Logic Trees—Howson Syntax]
Tree Tutorials [Propositional, Predicate, Identity, and Modal Logic Trees—Howson Syntax]
- Preliminary [Pre-test]
- Notation
- Tree Tutorial 1: Propositional Trees: Introduction
- Tree Tutorial 2: More Propositional Tree Rules
- Review of Tree Propositional Rules
- Tree Tutorial 3: Using Trees to Test for Satisfiability and Invalidity
- Trees: Propositional Exercises: Roll your own
- Tree Tutorial 4: Predicate Logic Trees
- Review of Tree Predicate Rules
- Tree Predicate Exercises: Roll your own
- Tree Tutorial 5: Identity Rules
- Tree Tutorial 6: Functional Terms and First Order Theories
- Tree Tutorial 7: Type Labels, Sorts, Order Sorted Logic ['Mixed Domains']
- Tree Tutorial 8 Modal Trees
Symbolization into Propositional and Predicate Logic [Gentzen syntax]
Easy Deriver [Propositional and Predicate Logic—Gentzen Syntax]
Easy Deriver [Propositional and Predicate Logic—Gentzen Syntax]
Propositional Logic: 10 Tutorials
- Tutorial 1 Introduction, sketch of course, and symbolizing atomic propositions.
- Tutorial 2: Symbolizing compound propositions
- Review
- Tutorial 3: Propositions and Truth
- Tutorial 4: Arguments and searching for a counter example
- Review 2
- Tutorial 5: Valid arguments, searching for a proof
- Tutorial 6: What is a derivation and what does it prove? How experts do derivations.
- Tutorial 7: Conditional Proof
- Tutorial 8: Reductio ad Absurdum
- Tutorial 9: The Remaining Propositional Rules of Inference
- Tutorial 10: Common Inference Patterns and Rewrite Rules
- Review of Propositional Logic
- Propositional Logic: Try your own derivations
Predicate Logic: 15 Tutorials
- Tutorial 11: Sketch of the second part of the course, and symbolizing propositions using predicate logic.
- Tutorial 12: Symbolizing propositions using predicate logic (continued)
- Review of New Material
- Tutorial 13: An Introduction to Truth in Predicate Logic
- Tutorial 14: Some Terminology for the Semantics of Predicate Logic
- Tutorial 15: Elementary derivations in predicate logic
- Tutorial 16: Symbolization using the quantifiers
- Tutorial 17: The semantics of quantifiers
- Tutorial 18: Simplified Universal Instantiation
- Tutorial 19: Universal Generalization
- Tutorial 20: Simplified Existential Generalization
- Tutorial 21: Existential Instantiation
- Tutorial 22: Symbolizing Relations
- Symbolization Review
- Tutorial 23: The semantics of relations
- Tutorial 24: The restrictions on the quantificational rules
- Tutorial 25 ...
- Try your own derivations
- Exercises for Easy Deriver using the Deriver Web Application
Propositional Logic: 10 Tutorials
LP&L Trees [Tarski's World]
LP&L Trees [Tarski's World]
- LP&L Trees 0 Video: Advanced Tarksi World Tree
- LP&L Trees 1 Analytical Consequence Ana Con I
- LP&L Trees 2 Analytical Consequence Ana Con II
- LP&L Trees 3 Analytical Consequence Ana Con III
- LP&L Trees 4 Propositional Samples
- LP&L Trees 5 Predicate Samples
- LP&L Trees 6 Identity Samples
- LP&L Trees 7 Predicate Exercises: Roll your own
Older Books of Notes (that use Java applets)
Type Labels, Sorts, and Order Sorted Logic [Gentzen Syntax]
Deriver [Functional Terms, Identity, First Order Theories, Set Theory—Gentzen Syntax]
Deriver [Functional Terms, Identity, First Order Theories, Set Theory—Gentzen Syntax]
- Tutorial 1: Identity, Semantics and Symbolization
- Tutorial 2 Identity: Functional Terms and Rules of Inference
- Tutorial 3 Identity: Uniqueness, Definite Descriptions, Iota
First Order Theories
- Tutorial 4: Number Theory 1
- Tutorial 5: Number Theory II
- Tutorial 6: Set Theory I: Set Building, Abstraction and Extension
- Tutorial 7: Set Theory II: Subsets, Empty Set, Universe Set
- Tutorial 8: Set Theory III: Union, Intersection, Complement, Unordered Pairs, Power Set
- Tutorial 9: Set Theory IV: Ordered Pairs, Cross Products
- Tutorial 10: Set Theory V: Russell's Paradox, Axiomatic Set Theory, and Criticisms
- Tutorial 11: Abelian Groups, Boolean Algebra, Linearly Ordered Sets
- Try your own derivations
- Doing Exercises in Deriver using the Deriver Web Application
Tree Tutorials [Propositional, Predicate, Identity, and Modal Logic Trees—Default Syntax]
Tree Tutorials [Propositional, Predicate, Identity, and Modal Logic Trees—Default Syntax]
- Preliminary [Pre-test]
- Tree Tutorial 1: Propositional Trees: Introduction
- Tree Tutorial 2: More Propositional Tree Rules
- Review of Tree Propositional Rules
- Tree Tutorial 3: Using Trees to Test for Satisfiability and Invalidity
- Notation for Predicates
- Tree Tutorial 4: Predicate Logic Trees
- Review of Tree Predicate Rules
- Tree Tutorial 5: Identity Rules
- Tree Tutorial 6: Functional Terms and First Order Theories
- Tree Tutorial 7: Type Labels, Sorts, and Signatures ['Mixed Domains']
- Tree Tutorial 8 Modal Trees
Logical System
- combinatory logic (0)
- derivations (162)
- developer (0)
- epistemic (0)
- identity (10)
- lambda (32)
- semantics (67)
- set theory (12)
- sorts (8)
- symbolization (96)
- trees (97)
- types (7)
- modal (17)
- predicate (144)
- propositional (180)
- software (1)