Let Polymorphism in Mini ML
Let polymorphism
We would like to have polymorphism in certain circumstances. For example, we would like to have the same identity function λx:x that could be used on Booleans and Integers, without having to have two separate identity functions, one of type B->B and the other of type I->I .
The usual way to do this, in this setting, is via a 'let' construction. Most functional programming languages have an expression form similar to
Polymorphism, Annotation, and Decidable Type Inference
[In this section, we will sometimes use annotated abstractions, and sometimes use unannotated abstractions. This is just to be flexible in discussing their respective merits.]
There certainly is an unusual feature possessed by the annotated STLC that we have thus far. Consider two abstractions with annotations
Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
Types and Values
Types are collections or sets of values. For our purposes, to produce an illustrative example, we can get by with just two basic Types, one with a finite number of values, and the other with an infinite number of values.
The Type Boolean, or Bool, or just 'B' is a type with the two values: True, and False.
The Type Integer, or Int, or just 'I', is a type with the values 0,1,2,3... etc
The Lambda Reduction Widget
Alpha conversion (Rewrite of bound variables):-
Any abstraction λ<variable1>.<expr> can be converted to λ<variable2>.<expr>/.<variable1> -><variable2> provided the substitution <expr> /. <variable1> -> <variable2> is sound.
Lambda Applet
Alpha conversion (Rewrite of bound variables):-
Any abstraction λ<variable1>.<expr> can be converted to λ<variable2>.<expr>/.<variable1> -><variable2> provided the substitution <expr> /. <variable1> -> <variable2> is sound.